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When I move my company, can I take my
"800" Toll-Free Number with me?


In our Winter 2016 newsletter, we addressed the issue of the whether or not a business owner can take their well-established local number with them to a new location.

What we also need to consider is whether a Toll-Free or “800” number is movable as well.

We often see this type of number on business cards and literature instead of a local listing for a variety of reasons:

  • Businesses are looking for a wide geographic presence that doesn’t restrict their marketing reach.
  • Businesses want to attract new inquiries that might not occur if the prospective client perceives them as “out of area”.
  • Businesses can justify toll free numbers because they can generate significant revenue.
  • Businesses want to track their marketing using the caller identification feature that is provided with toll free service.

The answer to the initial question is not always a simple yes or no.

Yes, an existing toll free number can be moved to a new geographic area, which may be local, regional or national.  This is feasible even if your new local number has to be changed.

All of this is assuming that your present telephone company will be your new provider.

If not, your contract and terms must be reviewed to understand when your existing toll free number will be portable for your new location.  If you are still in a term contract, providers may be reluctant to release that number until the term is satisfied.  We have seen this and have been able to successfully assist clients.

For further information, contact Telecom Strategies staff at:

Telephone Number: 844-282-6400  

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